Age of Minority


“Sometimes your thoughts can kill you”

Written, shot, edited and scored in 2 days for the London 48 hour film project.

written by Andrew Mackay
directed by Ike Khan
cinematography by Ben Nash
featuring: Frank Scantori, Leon Herbert, Christopher Adamson, Roger Morgan, Ike Khan and introducing Jasmine Taylor Holman
original music composed by Tyrone Howe
song on radio written and performed by Chloe Foston
sound by Jim Hanika
Thanks to Joelle Green, Kornwalai Chaiin, Justine Murrell, Zoltan Teglasi, James Deller, Keppe & Partners Solicitors, White Hart Dry Cleaners.

NKMmedia's Ben Nash and Ike Khan use a Jib in the country




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